

2024年 7月1日 至 2024年 8月 22日止。
It runs from July to August(8-week), and students can apply in April. Acceptance is offered on a rolling basis. Whether the students can join the summer program is decided by each faculty. Once admitted, students can learn and work at IMB as interns. The program is administered by a dedicated program manager at IMB, and IMB also has a summer intern committee overseeing the program.


實習結束後,依學生出席及表現,經實驗室主持人評核通過後統一發放,每月平均 8,000元,至多 2個月。
(全額補貼外地(雙北除外)學生暑期特約宿舍(中華科大)住宿費(冷氣費及保證金自付); 外籍生及就讀國外大學者按國稅局規定扣稅 )
Students in the program will receive a merit-based stipend, with an average of 8,000 NTD(pre-tax) per month for 2 months. They will be housed in the dormitory of a nearby college, China University of Science and Technology, which is located 2 km away or 8 bus stops from AS (approximately a 7-minute bus ride or a 24-minute walk). IMB will assist in reimbursing the lodging cost, but students are responsible for the air conditioning charge (500 NTD for male students and 1,000 NTD for female students). Students in the IMB program will have access to the small clinic located at AS, in addition to Taipei's well-established healthcare network at the students’ own expense.




1. 實驗室安全講習(暫定):
時間:7月1日(一)上午8時30分; 地點:分生所1F演講廳
2. 報到及新生訓練(暫定):
時間:7月2日(二)中午8時45分至中午12時 ; 地點:分生所1F多功能會議室
3. 講座『知性午餐日』每周四10時30分至12時