C.C. 生平軼事

In Memorial of C.C. Wang

王正中 院士是分生所正式成所後的第一任所長,分生所的後棟大樓也是在他的規畫開始建造,他以大嗓門及爽朗的笑聲著稱,長年關注分生所的成長。王院士一生致力於寄生蟲生物學的研究,其中最為人津津樂道的貢獻是研發出治療河盲症的藥,終結了非洲因寄生蟲造成整村人失明的苦難。

CC Wang was a molecular parasitologist who developed new biochemical methods to study various parasites. His seminal work led to an understanding of parasite actions and he participated in the discovery of new parasitic drugs, including ivermectin that targets river blindness and elephantiasis. The WHO anticipates that both these diseases will be eradicated within the next five years due to this drug.

CC Wang served as IMB Director from 1991 to 1994 and as Head of the IMB Scientific Advisory Committee between 2004-2007. He made great contributions both to IMB and to the scientific community in Taiwan. He was a great scientist and a great inspiration, positively influencing many lives in the US and in Taiwan.

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Share a story about Dr. C.C. Wang


We mourn the loss of Dr. C.C. Wang who recently passed away on Aug. 22, 2017, and hereby sincerely invite you to share a story about him. It would be appreciated if you take a moment to contribute an article, even if a short one, of how C.C. touched your life, and the times you spent together. It may be a specific time, or experience you shared. It may be as simple as sharing what C.C. meant to you. C.C.'s family will be able to save these memories and take great comfort from your words.

Please respond to Sandy (sandysch@imb.sinica.edu.tw) now if you are willing to contribute an article, and then email it to Sandy in one week. Thank you very much for kind attention and support.

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  • 時間: 107年7月1日(星期日) 14:00-17:00
  • 地點: 本院分子生物研究所B1演講廳

CC's family memorial service time and place:

  • Date: 10am, Saturday November 4th, 2017
  • Place: Tiffany Chapel, Cypress Lawn, 1370 El Camino Real, Colma CA
    telephone 650-755-0580 parking plentiful on-site

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