Careers - Senior Lab Manager

Senior Lab Manager/Core Facility Manager Position
Responsibilities Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, invites applications for a senior lab manager/array tomography (AT) core facility manager position with the title of Project Scientist/Project Research Manager or Assistant Research Specialist (which is equal to Assistant Research Fellow in the salary rank). IMB, consisting of 38 laboratories, engages in biological research at the molecular, cellular and systems levels in the fields of chromosome biology, neuroscience, immunology, plant and systems biology. IMB has a high research standard with an excellent publication record, and maintains the state-of-the-art research facilities including next-generation sequencing (NGS) and imaging cores.
Qualification AT technique is a relatively new super-resolution imaging technique that allows molecular profiling of cells and tissues ranging from 100 nanometers to few micrometers at three dimensions. AT involves immunohistochemistry, imaging, and electron microscopic techniques. Interested candidates should have a PhD or equivalent degree, with in-depth experience and broad knowledge in mouse genetics, tissue preparations, and various imaging techniques, preferably at least five years or more professional experience. Excellent analytical and communication skills are required. Leadership experience is a plus. The successful candidate is also expected to assist managing IMB Director Cheng’s laboratory.
Salary Based on Academia Sinica's rule
Contact IMB Search Committee
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Required Documents Applications, including complete curriculum vitae, a description of research experience, a publication list, and three letters of recommendation, should be submitted to IMB Search Committee by Email to: Screening of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until June 30th, 2024, or the position is filled.
Deadline 2024-06-30