

Research Topics

Scientists at IMB are currently tackling some of the most important biological questions at molecular and cellular levels using model organisms such as yeast, nematodes, flies, fish, mice, and plants. Research topics encompass diverse biological features, including chromosomes, development, infection, immunology, neuroscience, and RNA, as well as structural, systems and plant biology. IMB hosts more than 35 group leaders, including several Academia Sinica Academicians and one international member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Their independent research careers all began at IMB. Notably, IMB boasts an equal gender ratio of principal investigators, reflecting our core value to promote gender equity in the scientific world.

In addition to its individual research laboratories, IMB has several superb infrastructural core facilities. For instance, its imaging core facility harbors an arsenal of modern confocal, two-photon, multi-photon, and electron microscopes. Other facilities—such as its biophysics, cell-sorting, and genomics cores—are all administered by specialists and advisory committees. IMB also has a state-of-the-art animal facility and transgenic mouse core, which together have contributed significantly to the numerous scientific achievements by IMB researchers. Not only do IMB’s scientists aim to understand the general principles of how living organisms work, but also why human diseases develop, thus enabling us to find ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating illnesses such as cancer, infections, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Research Areas

Academic Activities

IMB holds regular seminars to inform its scientists of the most recent advances in research and to facilitate collaborations with other institutions, both in Taiwan and abroad. For example, the "Frontiers in Biology" seminar series invites internationally renowned researchers to share their current and ongoing research endeavors. IMB also regularly hosts and organizes international symposia and conferences. These activities help to maintain IMB’s dynamic research environment and ensure close links with the global research community.

To promote collaborations within IMB, faculty meetings are held weekly so that its principal investigators can explore exciting new ideas. Additionally, several research groups present posters and host vigorous discussions every month. In autumn each year, the entire institute undertakes an annual retreat that is open to all IMB researchers and students. Typically, a tranquil resort is selected for scientific and leisure events held over two days to cultivate collaborations among IMB’s research groups.


Education Program

One of the primary missions of IMB is to train the next generation of young scientists for careers in academia or industry. Several local graduate training programs have been established by IMB in collaboration with National Central University and National Taiwan University. IMB also sponsors a Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) in "Molecular and Cell Biology" in cooperation with the Institute of Life Sciences at National Defense University. Through our graduate programs, IMB has fostered many emerging scientists who have already played leading roles in various scientific fields, both in Taiwan and abroad.


Future Perspective

IMB has been at the vanguard of biomedical research in Taiwan for the past 35 years. It is currently operating at a level equivalent to that of similar departments in prestigious universities, such as the Molecular & Cellular Biology program of the University of California Davis. Nevertheless, IMB’s scientists are striving to attain even higher standards. While consolidating its current research programs, IMB is also actively exploring novel research domains by recruiting new scientists to further our scientific excellence. IMB will continue to foster laboratories that integrate and optimize the most advanced technologies, all the while providing scientists with an inspirational environment and state-of-the-art services to ensure innovation and creativity. For those working and studying at IMB, nothing is "impossible", our research is only limited by our imagination, and pursuing excellence is our only mission!

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A History of Impact

The preparatory office of the Institute of Molecular Biology was founded in December of 1982. Building construction was completed and research started on July 1, 1986 under the directorship of Dr. James Wang. Drs. Ru-Chih C. Huang, Ray Wu, and Chien Ho served as interim directors during 1987-1991. Dr. Ching-Chung Wang assumed the directorship from September 1991 to February 1994. The IMB completed its preparatory status and officially established itself as an Institute on March 1, 1993.

  1. Ground-breaking Ceremony of the first CLMB building

    December, 1983

    1983 IMB

  2. The CLMB under construction and in nearly completed forms

    1985 IMB

  3. First Director, CLMB


    The CLMB received local and international publicity at its opening in 1986 owing to the directorship of James C. Wang.

    The first course "Special Topics in Molecular Biology" was offered by CLMB researchers

    1986 IMB

  4. Establishment of a cooperative program with National Tsing-Hua University


    Dr. Ru-chih Chow Huang becomes second director, CLMB. Ru-chih also organized the inaugural CLMB PI retreat, which later became an annual activity that is unique to IMB. Upon her departure at the end of 1988, the CLMB already had 13 PIs and more than 100 research staff.

    1987 IMB

  5. The inaugural IMB PI retreat at Nan-Yuan.


    1988 PI retreat

  6. "Advanced Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics" couse offered


    The goal of Ray Wu’s directorship was to establish research in plant molecular biology at the CLMB. He also ran an “Advanced Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics” course, inviting 10 plant experts from the US to give lectures.

    1989 Plant Gene Tranfer Workshop

  7. CLMB was renamed as Institute of Molecular Biology


    The primary mission of Dr. Chien Ho’s directorship was to set up structural biology facilities at Academia Sinica. Under his leadership, the CLMB was renamed the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in March 1990. Dr. Chien Ho successfully established X-ray diffraction instruments at IMB, as well as NMR and MRI/MRS instruments at IBMS.

    1990 IMB PIs

  8. Construction of the second IMB building began during his term.


    Dr. Ching-Chung (C.C.) Wang‘s willingness to serve as IMB Director solved the problem of IMB’s need for a long-term director.

    1992 IMB

  9. IMB was formally established as an institute


    IMB was formally established as an institute, and a lavish ceremony was held in 1993 to celebrate its official establishment.

    1993 IMB

  10. Completion of the 2nd IMB building


    Dr. James C.-K. Shen returned to Taiwan from UC Davis in 1995 to serve as IMB Director.

    1995 IMB

  11. Establishment of the first transgenic core facility


    Dr. Shen set up high-level animal room in IMB, and also established the first transgenic core facility, serving all institutes in Taiwan.

    1997 IMB TCF

  12. Che-Kun James Shen was elected as Academician of Academia Sinica


    2000 ckshen was elected as academician

  13. Typhoon Nali hit Nankang and flooded Academia Sinica. IMB was out of power for two weeks


    2001 IMB & Typhoon Nali

  14. Cooperation agreement between NDMC and TIGP MCB for a joint Ph.D. program


    Cooperation agreement between NDMC and TIGP MCB for a joint Ph.D. program.

    Establishment of National Mouse Mutagenesis Program Core Facility, Microarray Core Facility & Academia Sinica IACUC.

    2003 2nd TIGP-MCB

  15. Establishment of RNAi Core Facility


    Dr. Meng-Chao Yao returned to Taiwan from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in 2004 to serve as IMB Director.

    Establishment of RNAi Core Facility

    2004 IMB

  16. Meng-Chao Yao was elected as Academicians of Academia Sinica


    Cooperative graduate program with National Yang-Ming Univ., Institute of Genome Sciences. Establishment of IMB ex-member association ( IMBEA ) by IMB alumni & Imaging Core Facility

    2006 IMB

  17. Establishment of Mass Spectrometry Facility


    2007 IMB MASS Core

  18. First IMB Retreat with Students, Technicians and Post-docs


    2009 Student Retreat

  19. Establishment of IMB Summer Internship


    2016 分生所暑期生成果發表會

  20. Su-May Yu & Soo-Chen Cheng were elected as Academicians of Academia Sinica


    2012 IMB

  21. Dr. Soo-Chen Cheng served as the fourth IMB Director from 2013 to 2019, representing the first director to originate from within IMB.


    2013 IMB

  22. TIGP-INS Ph.D. program


    Joined TIGP-INS Ph.D. program formed by NPAS, National Yang-Ming University and National Cheng-Kung University

    2014 TIGP-INS

  23. Interdisciplinary Research Building


    Dr. Cheng helped acquire space in the Multidisciplinary Building for the IMB Neuroscience Group.

    2015 IMB

  24. Establishment of IMB History Room


    IMB celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a symposium emphasizing inheritance and perspectives.

    2016 IMB30th

  25. Dr. Hwai-Jong Cheng returned to Taiwan from UC Davis in 2020 to serve as IMB Director


    2020 IMB

  26. Dr. Yi-Fang Tsay Elected as International Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences


    2021 IMB